Slice it Up for After Effects (monter4) v1.5.1

Slice it Up is a tool that cuts footage into any number of vertically aligned slices by duplicating it N times and applying random width masks to it. Those pieces are brought into one composition later and laid one over another to create undistorted image. Tool provides controls to set random or linear offset to X, Y and Z position for each slice, adjust the expansion and rotation angles for the mask.

One of the most flexible things that Slice It Up provides is the ability to randomise slices in the UI panel at any time. If you don’t like the width of your slices and feel like a change up, just hit the “Random Width” button. If randomised position is not your taste, re-randomise it at any time without loosing your keyframes even after closing and opening the project.

While those buttons regenerated a new seed for width or position, button “<” will take one step back and regenerate previous seed value. This way you are free to skip throught possible options and find a look that fits you best.


  1. Pseudo Effects or regular AE Sliders
  2. Unlimited number of slices;
  3. Z Space distribution;
  4. Rerandomise width at any time;
  5. Rerandomise slice position at any time;
  6. Rerandomise or make slice width even at any time;
  7. Random or linear slice distribution in space;
  8. Regenerate previous seed to find that perfect look;
  9. Check for script updates;


Select a layer you wish to slice, enter desired value for slices, check/uncheck Z Space distribution, select Container Mode and hit Slice it Up. Sit back and watch the magic happen.

After slicing is finished you will see new composition that has Slider Controls attached to it. Parameters like Y Offset / X Shuffle / Z Space are meant to be animated. Choose between linear and randomised offset for those values. Combining them together with Rotation and Expansion will result in great and unique animation.

You have ability to randomise slices right in the GUI at any time. If you don’t like the width of each slice and want to have it different, hit “Randomi Width”. If randomised position for the slices is not your taste, re-randomise them at any time without loosing your keyframes even after closing / opening the project.

Support: CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3

User manual

Looking for more info about the tool? Find it in User Manual.

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