Waterline | After Effects Script V1.0

The Waterline script simulates water/liquid by adding a layer with an animated mask.


  • Easy to use. Create big, small, weird and wonderful waves with one click…
  • … and with many options for adjusting the look and behaviour.
  • Use layers as collision objects that reacts with the Waterline waves.
  • Add splash particles on impact with Waterline.

Demo with multiple collision objects and splash particles

code : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jBG59rJd5jVn0IvhOno3r3mMnvgWPHSZqs-FcDfgF7E/edit


Hướng dẫn cách tải về (dowload): http://khodohoa.vn/hot-trend/huong-dan-cach-tai-ve-tai-nguyen-tren-web.html

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