Motion Boutique Newton 2 (x64) V2.2.12

New Features

1. Joints

Distance Joint
Create chain of bodies with the Distance Joint.
Elasticity can be added to create soft Distance Joint.
Pivot Joint
Force bodies to share a common anchor point with the Pivot Joint.
Angle limits and motor can be added to the joint.
Piston Joint
Impose a translation axis to the bodies with the Piston Joint.
Translation limits and motor can be added to the joint.
Spring Joint
Create springy force between bodies using the Spring Joint.

2. New Advanced Body Properties

Attract or repulse bodies with the Magnetism system.
Fixed Rotation
Prevent bodies from rotating with the Fixed Rotation property.
Convex Hull
Simplify complex shapes (text for instance) with the Use Convex Hull
property to get much better performance.
Gravity Scale
Set a custom per-body gravity with the Gravity Scale property.

3. Many other additions and improvements

New User Interface

All new User Interface for a better user experience.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The new version of our physics engine plug-in for After Effects offers endless possibilities

Newton interprets 2D composition layers as rigid bodies interacting in a real environment. Newton provides many simulation controllers such as body properties (type, density, friction, bounciness, velocity, etc), global properties (gravity, solver), and allows the creation of joints between bodies. Once simulation is completed, animation is recreated in After Effects with standard keyframes.

Main Features

  • 2D layers in AE become rigid bodies in Newton.
  • Supports masks, text and shape layers.
  • Handles collision, friction, bounciness, gravity and more.
  • 6 types of body (static, dynamic, kinematic, AEmatic, dormant and dead).
  • 4 types of joints (distance, pivot, piston and spring) that allow you to connect bodies with specific constraints.
  • Provides clean, efficient and easy to use interface.
  • Fast preview, fast export to keyframes.
  • Comprehensive user’s guide with illustrative animations for almost every property.

New Features

  • 4 types of joint to link bodies
  • Efficient and clean user interface
  • Better support of shape layers
  • Magnetism system
  • Gravity scale, convex hull, fixed rotation
  • Scene snapshots, actions history, comprehensive user’s guide…

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