Copy Paste Markers 2 (aescripts) V2.0

Allows you to copy one or more markers and paste them on any other layer. After Effects does not allow copy/pasting markers in their UI, so this script is here to help.


  • Copy Marker at current time
  • Copy all Markers (comp Length)
  • Copy all Markers in the work area (not avail. in demo version)
  • Copy all Markers in before or after current time (not avail. in demo version)

Best of all: You support a cool project!

This script was designed to help me direct my indie animated feature length movie! By purchasing it, you help me finance it, and allows me to stay indie. I promise, I won’t sellout to Facebook or any company offering me big bucks. It’s just about you, me and the awesome AE community!

code :

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