After Effects script for generating things from shortcuts. It can do anything you can do manually in AE, just in a lot cooler and faster way.
Create items from shortcuts
- Compositions
- Solids
- Null objects
- Adjustment layers
- Text layers
- Cameras
- Quick letterboxing
- Quick vignetting
- Quick camera rig
Set layer properties right away
- Solid color
- 3D mode
- Track Matte
- Transfer Mode
- Motion Blur
- Collapse Transformation
- Width
- Height
- Opacity
- Rotation
- Shy mode
- Disable visibility
- Solo mode
Set composition switches
- Draft 3D
- Hide shy layers
- Enable motion blur
Tons of uses
Generate entire project structures in seconds, add multiple things quickly without an awful lot of mouse clicks, create camera rigs and do a whole lot of awesome stuff in just a few keystrokes!
code :
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